Directions / Contact Us

If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

Kendra Leak
MRI Project Coordinator
Tel: (714) 628-2886

Driving Instructions
Directions from Campus Drive:
  1. Turn onto W. Peltason Dr.
  2. Make an immediate left onto Pereira Dr.
  3. The street dead-ends at the parking lot. Turn left into Lot 1 or right into Lot 2
Parking Instructions
Park in Lot 1 or 2 in an "AR Reserved" spot
An online parking pass will be provided, but we will need:
  1. Car's License Plate Number
  2. Make and Model of Car
Walking Instructions
To the FIBRE Imaging Center:
  1. Walk down Pereira Dr.
  2. Stop at the Corner of Pereira Drive.
  3. Look for "FIBRE Imaging" sign, see photos for exact entrance

Relevant Photos

From Parking Lot:

FIBRE Imaging Signs:




Final Door: