Open Positions
Posted 8/10/2022: Postdoctoral Positions - Hewitt Foundation for BioMedical Research
Available Post-doctoral Fellowships
Hewitt Foundation for BioMedical Research
The Hewitt Foundation for Biomedical Research supports outstanding mentors and postdoctoral fellows. In addition to the Salk Institute and the Scripps Research Institute, the Foundation offers positions to mentors and fellows in the Schools of Medicine and Biological Sciences at UCI. It aims to nurture the next generation of biomedical research leaders.
Postdoctoral fellowships are awarded for three years, carry yearly stipends of $70k, $72k and $74k. In addition, a yearly allocation of $15k is made to the fellow's sponsoring institution to cover health insurance, travel to scientific meetings, and to partially support their research expenses.
Mentor: Associate Professor or Professor at the UCI School of Medicine or School of Biological Sciences with a strong record in nurturing outstanding and successful postdoctoral trainees and sufficient federal funding to support the Hewitt fellow’s research project.
Postdoctoral fellow: Recipient of Ph.D. and/or M.D. degree within 15 months of the starting date of the Hewitt fellowship. Strong record of published research and a commitment to join the mentor’s lab and research project.
Applicant mentors should provide: (1) A nomination letter which summarizes the background and states the qualifications of the proposed trainee, (2) a research plan (about 1 to 2 pages), (3) a CV for the trainee, (4) a Biosketch for the mentor which details the research support for the lab. (5) three letters of support, including from a former mentor. Please send these as a single PDF to Prof. Tallie Z. Baram
The Hewitt Foundation strongly encourages applications from women and underrepresented groups for both mentors and trainees.