2019 Symposium
Conte Center @UCI 6th Annual Symposium
Brain Circuit Development in Health and Disease
The Power of Cross-Species Approaches
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
The days' events will include brief talks by faculty in multiple disciplines, as well as, a networking lunch, interactive poster presentation & poster tours, and keynote address.
Tallie Z. Baram, MD, Ph.D. | UCI, Pediatrics, Anatomy & Neurobiology; Neurology; Physiology& Biophysics
Michael A. Yassa, Ph.D. | UCI, Neurology, and Psychiatry & Human Behavior
Lulu Y. Chen, Ph.D. | UCI, Anatomy & Neurobiology
Kevin T. Beier, Ph.D. | UCI, Physiology & Biophysics
Gyorgy Lur, Ph.D. | UCI, Neurobiology & Behavior
Ming Xiong Huang, Ph.D. | UCSD, Radiology
Kristina A. Uban, Ph.D. | UCI Population Health & Disease Prevention
Keynote Address:
Diego A. Pizzagalli, Ph.D. | Harvard University Medical School
Title: Cross-species Investigations of Anhedonic Behaviors
Jr. Faculty, Post-docs, and Grad Students are invited to present their related work in the Poster Session. Send your abstract to djankows@uci.edu no later than February 27th.
***$100 Amazon Gift Card awarded to the "Best Poster"***
This event is open to the UC community with RSVP.
RSVP to djankows@uci.edu